Cosmetic Acupunture

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupunture is huge in Hollywood and amongst the big STARS, Katy Perry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston are just some of the stars using this treatment.

Both Men and Women are starting to turn to this treatment instead of Botox as not only does it WORK, its a NATURAL WAY to repair your skin, reduce wrinkles, lift and firm.

Facial acupuncture encourages collagen production and healthy blood flow in the facial area. The micro puncture wounds left by the very fine needles (0.14mm thick) force the skins natural repair mechanism to “kick-start” resulting in collagen production, the reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, facial oedema, bagging under eyes, sagging of skin, skin discoloration etc.

Benefits include:

Dragon TCM

Dragonstyle Herbs, Acupuncture and Holistics is Ireland’s premium supplier of the finest quality Chinese Herbs a provider of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies and Holistic treatments – A one-stop shop for all your health and beauty needs !
